3/6/07 - This morning we continue west in the peaceful Perdido Bay; as it thinned into even a smaller cannel. It didn’t take long however for the boat traffic to pick up, we passed the first of 10 barges upon entering these ‘more narrows’ I like to call them. Fortunately, we never got stuck behind any slow movers – just movers. They are doing a great job at maintaining the integrity of the canal – but this means lots of working barges and tugs moving ‘stuff’ to and fro. This far north there is lots of sweet smelling pines lining the channel, so much more different than the marshes and cypress we’ve been used to seeing. We passed LuLu’s

Restaurant, owned and operated by Lucy Buffet (sister to Jimmy). Further on down the canal and on into Oyster Bay, there is much development, which is unfortunate; takes away so much of the rustic charm. On the south side we continued to see waterfront homes with their waterfront docks; some delightfully decorated and other simply functional. On the north shore there are numerous condo complex sites being constructed with oversized marinas associated with them. From Oyster Bay we moved into Bon Secour River and finally into Mobile Bay. As they say in mariner talk - the water gets wide here - and there is little to look at, other than an occasional passing vessel. We did run across the Coast Guard working on a navigational day marker that shapes our watery path. Mobile Bay is dotted numerous oil derricks and various other working rigs, commercial traffic seemingly going i

n all directions as well as the ever present sport fishermen running in and out of the gulf passes. We anchored out in the lee of Petit Bois Island, a nature preserve about 20 miles south of Pascagoula. There was little to tuck in behind since there were very few trees on the island, but we managed to settled in a nice quiet spot for the night. Off in the distance we could hear the repeating sorrowful sound of a fog horn.
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