Friday, July 17, 2009

So close & yet so far

We awoke around 3am to a massive storm exhibiting major lightening and thunder. We both came up top to be sure everything was secure and notice two small fishing boats just coming back in – strange time to be out fishing. We stayed awake for about an hour and watched as the storm blow through. We half expected to be boarded by the military sometime during the night being so close to Fort Knox and us looking so unusual (we know they were watching) but it never happened. Our suspicions were warranted when we saw 3 men in their camouflage fatigues leave in a little motor boat, and 3 different ones return – shift change somewhere…. (am I paranoid?) Do you suppose they give public tours at Fort Knox? (road trip!)

We drove through another little storm, but it never produced much rain. I never realized how much industrial and/or commercial activities takes place on the Ohio around Louisville. We did pass one casino, perhaps another road trip? I've also noticed lots of folks just walking along the banks - no boat in sight so we can only summarize they are "treasure hunters" looking for whatever the latest storm washed ashore.

We waited 1-1/2 hours for a tow to lock through first, pushing 15, and then it was our turn to lock through the older of the two locks at McAlpine Lock & Dam. We rose about 30 feet and out the other side to a great view of downtown Louisville. Nice looking city from the water. It’s strange to be this close to home (1 hour drive by car) and yet so far. There is much traffic on the Ohio at this point, not only barge traffic but lots of personal water craft – all sizes going in all different directions. One larger dinner cruiser and of course the Belle of Louisville which Brian and I had taken a few years ago. Tom and I had reconsidered looking for a haul out yard here, but nothing materialized so we’ll continue on to Cincinnati.

Tonight we’ve docked at the Juniper Beach Docks, behind the fuel dock. The winds have really picked up and even though we are behind the fuel dock we’ll be rocking and rolling most of the night. It’s right on the river so we’ll also get the wakes from any and all boats that go by. There is a young, friendly, good looking gentleman that works here, Clay – he’s quite proficient at assisting any sized boat that pulls up for fuel. His girlfriend, Alex was kind enough to stop off at the store and pick up lots of batteries for my camera. Such a sweet girl! Thank you Alex.

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