Monday, June 15, 2009

Trawl la la la la

We pulled out around 8:30 this morning after unintentionally leaving one of our longer lines snagged on a pylon. The bay was much choppier than it had been just a few days earlier with 2-4 ft swells and winds 18-20 knots. For the first time we decided to ‘cut the corner’ and brave wandering off the magenta line. We successfully maneuvered around Halfmoon reef and entered the GIWW just in behind a west bound barge. Once we were headed in a good easterly direction the sea and winds subsided and it was smooth motoring. We did have a few dolphins swim along and play in our wake; I had forgotten just how wonderful that felt.

Once we entered the channel with marsh lands on either side of us it was very still, with the exception of the cicadas which were very loud.

We did have one large and wide ‘red flag’ barge pass us on the “one whistle” heading west. We watched a sail boat ahead of us with a “light boat” (tug – no barge, we learn something new every day) ahead of him as we entered the lock area. Contractors have been working on the Colorado locks for a few months with restricted passage early morning and late evening, but they took a few days off. Lucky for us the lock was open without any restrictions. Immediately following the lock the Matagorda swing bridge waited for the first two vessels but then began to close with 5 sharp blasts of their horn. Tom immediately radioed them and asked if we’d be able to pass as well (oops) so they left us a little gap and asked if we could make it through there…… uh yea – so we did. We arrived in Matagorda Harbor early in the day and tied off with no trouble. We figure it’s a good thing to have a short day for our first day out.

We BBQ’d on the aft deck and watched the sunset tonight.

1 comment:

Ozark Rambler said...

Happy Trails, Smooth Sailing, Bon Voyage and all that 1st step on a new adventure stuff. Glad to hear y'all are successfully on your way.


P.S. Looks like I've a buyer for the place on the hill, so the new ramble begins here too.