Sunday, February 25, 2007

To Crystal River

2/22/07 – (Happy Birthday Alex) We awoke around 2am to a much muted engine sound and looked out to see a very strange vessel pass by only to turn around and go back to where it came. We both figured it was a ferry by the shape, just didn’t understand what it was doing out at 2am. We learned later this morning, after seeing what we think is the same boat, it was a floating gambling casino. That explains the 2am cruising lit up like a Christmas tree. We’ve reached the point of our journey where the Florida intercoastal waterway ends and a decision must be made – which way to go from here. We can either cruise up and around ‘the bend’ or cut straight across the gulf. Easy choice actually, without radar we’re not about to go out THAT FAR in open water. We were out over 3 miles today and lost sight of land altogether, and that was far enough for me. However, this person I’m traveling with thought it was pretty awesome. Who is this person anyway? Hey, we were pulled over today – in the middle of the ocean - can you believe it?!?! The US Customs and Boarder Patrol pulled up along side and boarded us. Out in the middle of nowhere! I guess we do look suspicious after all; strange looking boat with no name on the stern. We spent over 45 minutes bobbing around like a cork while they went through our documentation and drawers. After they confirmed everything we told them, they left just as stealthy as they appeared. But the worse thing is (and I could kick myself) I forgot to take any pictures!!! After that the rest of our day was pretty normal. We cruised up over 3 miles on the Crystal River only to find the marina closed. So we docked at their fueling station and then walked into town (about 1 mile) for dinner at a nice little Mexican restaurant and did a little grocery store shopping. Sorry to say the Crystal River is not very clear. We had read you could see the bottom, and that the water was generally 72 deg- which attracted lots of manatees, we never saw either. I did see –what I think is- lots of manatee poop, not sure what else it could be – judge for yourself by the photo. Anyway Crystal River was very tropical looking as you approached, (even with the water towers) but once into the lake area it lost its charm (especially with lots of poop floating in the water).

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